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  •  Extranet
      • Sommet européen des Algues

      • Le Cluster Algues Bretagne sera présent au 1er sommet européen des algues à Paris, Maison de l'Océan du 5 au 7 octobre 2023
      • Sommet européen des Algues
      • The first ever EU Algae Awareness Summit will be held 5-7 October 2023 at the Maison de l’Océan in Paris. It will kick off a process to promote and raise awareness among EU Member States’ administrations and the general public on the benefits algae cultivation may bring to national and regional economies, to people, and to the regeneration of our Ocean. Through high-level panel conversations, participatory group discussions, and an exhibition area with algae products and a virtual reality experience, event participants may learn about algae’s multifaceted contributions to society and be inspired to increase their support to the algae sector.


        The event will be co-organised by the European Commission, French Government and the Global Seaweed Coalition (UN Global Compact) with the support of the Oceanographic Institute, Prince Albert I of Monaco Foundation 

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      • Publié le 28/09/2023

+33(0) 7 60 83 73 56 - contact@clusteralgues-bretagne.com

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